Web Programming – BOV1

Web development is a fast-growing area of IT that continues to gain importance as e-commerce, social networking, communications, and informational resources become a bigger part of every day life. This can be a challenging, yet fun area of IT since it requires both analytical skills (i.e., coding) and creative perspectives (i.e., problem solving). To learn web development requires the investment of many hours of hands-on practice in coding as well as hands-on practice debugging mistakes.

This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of the JavaScript language. This course will empower the student with the skills to design client-side, platform-independent solutions that greatly increase the value of Web sites by providing interactivity and interest. The student will learn how to use JavaScript to communicate with users, modify the Document Object Model (DOM), control program flow, validate forms, animate images, create cookies, change HTML on the fly, and communicate with databases.

As the student progresses through this course, they’ll apply what they’ve learned by developing practice websites. While developing their web programming competencies requires significant time, precision, and patience, most students find this to be a very rewarding area of study with great professional relevance for today’s IT careers.

Course Competencies

  • Web Programming Languages: The graduate applies characteristics and features of Web programming languages.
  • Variables and Data: The graduate demonstrates the ability to create, modify, and utilize variables and data.
  • Decision Structures: The graduate demonstrates understanding of decision structures.
  • Function, Methods, Properties, and Events: The graduate demonstrates understanding of functions, methods, properties, and events.
  • Client-Side Web Programming Language: The graduate demonstrates understanding of client side Web programming language.
  • Custom Web Programming Language Objects: The graduate demonstrates understanding of custom Web programming language objects.
  • Controls in Web Programming: The graduate demonstrates understanding of how to control windows in a Web programming language.


This course prepares the student for completing CIW’s Javascript Specialist certification.

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