Principles of Management – MGC1

In this course, students will learn about strategic planning, total quality, entrepreneurship, conflict and change, human resource management, diversity, and organizational structure. All of these topics are descriptive of the working environment managers must learn to oversee. Since the overall environment in which organizations operate is always changing, they require effective managers to ensure that strategic objectives are met. Once students complete this course, they will have demonstrated a level of competence that they can immediately use to become an effective managers.

Course Competencies

  • Strategic Planning: The graduate can explain the strategic planning process.
  • Total Quality Management: The graduate can describe how to establish a total quality management program in a product operation and in a service operation.
  • Entrepreneurial Perspective: The graduate can describe how to establish and promote an entrepreneurial emphasis within an organization.
  • Conflict and Change Management: The graduate can recommend effective techniques for managing conflict and change.
  • Human Resource Management: The graduate can correctly apply principles of human resource management in a given situation.
  • Workplace Diversity: The graduate responds appropriately to diversity issues in the workplace.
  • Organizational Structure: The graduate can recommend an organizational structure to match a given organization’s situation.

Course Textbooks

Bateman, T., & Snell, S. (2014). Management: Leading & collaborating in the competitive world (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing. ISBN: 9780077862541

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