Introduction to Humanities – C100

This introductory humanities course allows candidates to practice essential writing, communication, and critical thinking skills necessary to engage in civic and professional interactions as mature, informed adults. Whether through studying literature, visual and performing arts, or philosophy, all humanities courses stress the need to form reasoned, analytical, and articulate responses to cultural and creative works. Studying a wide variety of creative works allows candidates to more effectively enter the global community with a broad and enlightened perspective.

Course Competencies

  • Foundations of Humanities: The graduate assesses the development of humans through the study of key concepts, disciplines, and primary influences of the humanities.
  • Classical Period: The graduate analyzes the primary contributions and characteristics of humanities during the Classical period.
  • Renaissance: The graduate analyzes the primary contributions and characteristics of humanities during the Renaissance.
  • Neoclassicism and Enlightenment: The graduate analyzes the primary contributions and characteristics of humanities during the Neoclassical and Enlightenment period.
  • Romanticism: The graduate analyzes the primary contributions and characteristics of humanities during the Romantic period.
  • Realism: The graduate analyzes the primary contributions and characteristics of humanities during the Realism movement.
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