Integrated Natural Science – INC1

Integrated Natural Sciences explores the natural world through an integrated perspective and helps students begin to see and draw numerous connections among events in the natural world. Topics include the universe, the Earth, ecosystems and organisms.

Course Competencies

  • Fundamentals of Natural Science: The graduate examines fundamental concepts and theories in the natural sciences.
  • Scientific Concepts and Methodologies: The graduate recognizes and analyzes various natural phenomena and applies natural science methods and approaches to these natural phenomena.
  • Organisms: The graduate recognizes and applies underlying principles of matter and chemical reactions to analyze the structure, organization, interactions, and processes of organisms.
  • The Earth: The graduate identifies and analyzes the organization, interactions, and processes of the Earth.
  • Ecosystems: The graduate analyzes the components, organization, interactions, and processes of ecosystems.
  • The Universe: The graduate analyzes the organization, interactions, and predictable processes of the universe.

Course Textbooks

Microsoft Official Academic Course (2012). Web development fundamentals: MTA 98-363. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-10: 0-470-88915-2

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