General Education Social Science – SSC1

This course introduces the student to social scientific perspectives on how humans organize themselves in society and how they seek to resolve and understand the problems that they encounter in society. The social sciences provide people not only with knowledge about the development and nature of human society, but also with the means to ask critical questions about the institutions, cultures, and behaviors that people encounter every day.

Course Competencies

  • Social Science Theory and Methodology: The graduate examines the distinctive characteristics and forms of social scientific inquiry; recognizes various behavioral, cognitive, and social phenomena; and applies social science theories and methods to evaluate and explain phenomena.
  • Social Science and Human Development: The graduate examines fundamental social science concepts and theories that relate to the development of human thought, behavior, and social relationships.
  • Modern Institutions: The graduate examines the development, characteristics, functions, and interdependence of modern economic, social, and political institutions.
  • Culture and Physical Environment: The graduate recognizes and analyzes connections between human cultures and the physical environment, and applies knowledge of these connections to explain social and political change.

Course Textbooks

Perry, J. A., & Perry, E. K. (2009). Contemporary society: An introduction to social science (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN-10: 0205578675, ISBN-13: 978-0205578672

Dahlman, C.T., Bergman, E. F., & Renwick, W. H. (2011). Introduction to geography: People, places and environment (5th ed.) New York, NY: Pearson. ISBN-10: 0321695313, ISBN-13: 9780321695314

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