Introduction to College Writing – PRPE-A108

This course prepares students for ENGL A111 and is an alternative to ENGL A109. It introduces composition of multi-paragraph essays that conform to Standard American English for college writing. It includes critical reading skills to enhance students writing, as well as continues intensive practice in punctuation, sentence combining, revising, and editing.

Course Competencies

  • Students successfully completing this course will be able to write brief (2-4 pages) academic essays shaped by effective writing processes and appropriately supported by texts to achieve specific purposes; revise drafts to develop ideas, bring coherence and focus to essays, and accomplish intended purposes; identify patterns of errors and edit for correctness.
  • Students will apply critical reading skills and appropriate reading processes to assigned readings and individualized research for use in basic academic essays; effectively integrate and appropriately document basic research in essays; and employ available resources to improve writing.

Course Textbooks

Blueprints for Writing: Building Essays (New 1st Editions in English) (9780495802464): Pam Mathis: Books

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